Friday, February 28, 2020

Wide-Angle and Telephoto Photography

Wide-Angle and Telephoto Photography

Wide-Angle Photography

Wide-angle lenses provides a broader field of view then the human eye, it can be used to take pictures of a wide subject in a tight spot. A wide-angle lens deepens space; it makes everything seem further away from the camera, also deepens or increases depth of fields. Wide-angle lenses (short focal length) capture more because they have a wider picture angle.

Telephoto Photography

Telephoto lenses are best known for making distant objects appear magnified. They magnify the images by "pulling" them closer to you As a result, they also magnify vibrations from your trembling hand and when pressing the shutter and this can result in a blur or fuzzy pictures. Telephoto lenses (long focal length) have a narrower picture angle.

Image Bank

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I chose this image for my image bank because it helps demonstrate what I'll be doing to experiment on wide-angle and telephoto photography. Also, this helps me get a better understanding on how I will be able to achieve wide-angle and telephoto photos by the distance I am standing from the model.

Contact Sheet

I used these photos because they all clearly demonstrates wide-angle and telephoto photography from where I went from taking photos up close to far away.

I like these photos because I was able to experiment with different distances and create wide-angle and telephoto images mostly successful. Also, I like how I have done a clear separation between each stage to demonstrate the different distances and understand how wide-angle and telephoto photos can distort and change the image of the person and background.

However, I do not like some of these photos because I did not have my settings correct, therefore, some of the photos were over or under exposed. It was cloudy when I was taking these photos, and the sun kept going behind and coming out of cloud cover, causing me to keep having to change my camera settings to get the correct exposed image. I found that I don't like the this type of photography because it does not look flattering for the model, but it was interesting to learn and experiment with the method and knowing what distances to use when taking pictures of a model or an object to give you the best quality of photo.

To create these images, I used my Cannon 600D and different distances. By using different distances from the model I was able to produce wide-angle and telephoto photos. I started off very close to the model's face to create a wide-angle and took a few steps back each time until I reached a photo where I used telephoto techniques and recorded each of the the stages.

Manipulating My Photos

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To create all of these photos I did only a small amount of editing because I still wanted the main focus to be about the experiment and the distance instead of during more attention to the editing. I increased the contrast slightly by using curves and levels so there was an added feature which makes the photo seem more interesting. Also, I used dodging in some areas to bring back more of the highlights which were lost in the editing.

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I like how these photos ended up because I have brought back a lot of colour which was lost slightly when I was taking the picture because I did not have my settings set correctly for the cloud cover. Also, I liked how the bolder colours makes the photo seem more alluring and attract the viewer more because it stands out. I liked how I got to experiment with two new methods and how I am able to show I understand how to use them in my own photography. However, I don't like how these photos look because it does not look flattering for the model and makes the photo seem less interesting and good.

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