Saturday, February 29, 2020

Photographer Research - Imogen Cunningham

Imogen Cunningham

Imogen Cunningham is an American photographer who sometimes takes pictures of flowers which I have taken inspiration to produce similar work to her.

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I like this photo because there is no distraction from the background, this helps emphasise the tones in the flower and drawing the viewer in. This could represent how in life we are too focused on everything at once and trying to fit everything into one frame when we should only focus on one thing.

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I like this photo because the petals seem to be like tissue paper and very fragile, almost see-through. This could represent how life can be very fragile and you could easily be broken, hence why there are a lot of layers (petals). Also, the centre looks heart-shaped, which could portray how an individual can be fragile at times but have a lot of layers to protect themselves to prevent them from truly being hurt.

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I like this photo because the petals on the flower almost looks like they have lit up compared to the dark tone of the leaves. Also, I like how the petals strongly contrasts the background by mostly being filled by lighter tones. This makes the photo look more mysterious because you can't tell what is around the flower.

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